Official test of the Halotm Spark Plug by the Federal Government of Germany (RWTUV, Essen)

Test vehicle Opel Astra-F Caravan, 1996, 1.6 l 55kW

The changes at 5000KM's in emissions are all positive for the environment and your engine. Use of the Halotm Plug should lead to decreased acid rain (NOx) and decreased smog (HC).  Note that any increase in CO2 is seen as an increase in engine performance.

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AFTER 5000 KMs

Bosch Halotm Plug %Change Bosch Halotm Plug % Change
Hydrocarbons 0.15 0.14 -9,6%   0.17 0.15 -16,1%
CO 1.05 1.14 +8,6% 1.3 1.17 -10,4%
NOx 0.18 0.19 +5,6% 0.19 0.15 -22,2%
CO2 173.18 174.23 +0,61% 172.74 174.3 +0,73%

Three tests at approximately 10-km intervals were conducted upon initial installation of new Bosch FLR8LDCU plugs and the results averaged. This testing method was then repeated after 5,000 km of use. The same procedure was then performed with the Halotm plugs installed.

Data were analyzed for repeatability and general trends for each group of plugs, and then data for the two types compared to determine if there was a difference. This is a summary of the results. 


Fuel economy test at DEKRA  Dresden/Germany

June 06, 2000. DEKRA tested fuel economy in their laboratory on a 4 roller driving stand manufactured by Schenk AG. Comparsions were made between the OEM specified plug and their Halo replacement.

Test car:  Mercedes-Benz, manufactured. 1990, Type 190 (201).

This car was picked at random from customers who had installed Halo spark plugs. 


It was unkown wether or not this vehicle would show an improvement in fuel economy with the Halo spark plugs. The owner of the car advised that the range seemed to be greater with the Halo spark plugs, without advising the specifics of how much, what type of driving, etc.

The Experts Report 

Following is a summary of the experts report. Complete copies of this report are available upon request. 

Technical expert's report

Nr. 200003791

Test performed according to guidelines 80/1168/EWG in version 89/491/EWG of the European Council Members, dated 16.12.1980. Accordingly,  fuel consumption of vehicles was conducted per guidelines of 70/220/EWG in version 89/491/EWG dated 20.03.1970 of the European Council Members, with reference to air pollution through the emissions of vehicle engines. 

The results::

(Manufacturer recommended spark plug for this vehicle -  Bosch H7DCO.)


New HALO H-15


New Recommended spark plug


Higher fuel- consumption in %






  L/100 km






L/100 km

Const. Town 83,90 1014 11,03   84,6 1016 11,11  
81,76 1017 10,72   84,7 1014 11,14  
83,94 1015 11,03   83,7 1015 11,00  
83,14 1016 10,91   84,9 1016 11,14  
Average 10,92   Average 11,10   +1,65 %
Const. 99,60 2000 6,64   106,40 2000 7,09  
90 99,64 2000 6,64   106,70 2000 7,11  
99,54 2000 6,64   105,20 2000 7,01  
100,20 2000 6,68   105,50 2000 7,03  
Average 6,65   Average 7,06   +6,17 %
Const. 123,00 2000 8,20   128,30 2000 8,55  
120 121,50 2000 8,10   128,80 2000 8,59  
122,50 2000 8,17   130,70 2000 8,71  
121,50 2000 8,10   130,60 2000 8,71  
Average 8,14   Average 8,64   +6,14%
Thirdmix 8,6   Thirdmix   8,9


DEKRA test proves  Halo spark plugs officially reduce fuel consumption under constant driving conditions. Different reductions may be obtained and will be different with each type of car and driving mode of the owner.


Fuel Consumption Test Results



June 7, 2000




Vehicle Type: Daimler Benz 201 (190) - 1991


Standard Spark Plugs: Bosch H7DC0 (Mercedes Packaged)

HaloTM Spark Plugs: H15


Test per German Test Procedures 80/1268 EWG i.d.F. 89/491/EWG


Test Overview: Driving cycle all computer controlled. Car run for 300 seconds at 50 km/h, 300 seconds at 90 km/h, and 300 seconds at 120 km/h. Running fuel consumption (by mass) calculated at intervals throughout the duration of the test.



As mentioned several weeks prior to the start of the tests, Halo Spark Plug, Inc. actually did not expect to see any differences due to the short duration of the procedure. Our experience with HaloTM spark plugs indicates that there is a "run-in" period that allows the engine systems to adapt to the enhanced burning of the plug before noticeable improvements are obtained.

Although the test only covered a period of 15 minutes, it appears that the trend is generally improving, as the results as the test progressed were substantially better than those at the outset. This is consistent with what would be expected. The beginning results at 50 km/h showed a marginal 1.6 % reduction in fuel consumption with the HaloTM plugs. This improved dramatically at 90 km/h, where an average 6.2 % reduction was noted, with a peak of 7.1%. The results at 120 km/h were nearly identical, with a 6.1% average reduction, and a peak of 7.5 %.

The overall average of these three points equated to a 4.2 % reduction in fuel consumption over the course of the test, or stated another way, the Bosch plugs consumed 4.2 % more fuel than the HaloTM plugs. Also encouraging is the fact that time and/or speed seemed to enhance the improvements noted with the HaloTM spark plugs, as was predicted. If the starting results at 50 km/h are ignored (which might be justifiable when looking closely at the data point variation noted in the HaloTM plug results. The larger disparity might indicate that the ignition system was trying to adapt at the outset, since the variance in the data points was nearly four times the same data variation noted on the last cycle), then an overall average reduction of 6.15% is indicated.

Data point deviation averages were nearly identical over the course of the entire cycle for both plugs, indicating good correlation with each run. Ignoring the starting third of the cycle again, the HaloTM data variance range was nearly half that of the Bosch plug, which could indicate better performance consistency. This consistency trend was similarly noted during the emissions testing conducted in April.




PHONE: (501) 760-7230 · FAX: (501) 760-7237 ·




Test Results - U.S. Patent Office

Fuel Economy

The U.S. Patent Office specifically requested fuel efficiency comparison tests between the Halotm design and two other patents, the Wang and Lara plug designs.

The following tests were performed by Transportation Controls Systems of Tampa, Florida in January, 1991. They were conducted on a 1984 Subaru 1800 cc displacement, four cylinder engine. The vehicle was equipped with a distance measuring instrument and a fuel flow sensor. The vehicle was driven over a 30-mile course along Interstate highway 75 in Florida once for each type of plug.



Spark Plug Type


Miles Per Gallon


Difference from Lara Design











+ 11.4%






+ 38.9%


Please note that these data were early in the development, over a short course and may not reflect the actual results obtained in your engine.